Sunday, April 24, 2005


i woke up this morning thinking about "today". It is not that i don't care about yesterday nor tomorrow, but i am thinking about today. am I happy? am i doing what i have always expected bout my life? the right things? what makes me happy? am I with the right people? are my friends real or are they gonna be there for me if needed? well, sometimes you can get so "trascendental", this question i make myself everyday, but's about tomorrow, where the heck shall i put my feet on and stay? where's the place i belong? No...time wont say a fucking thing, situations will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this case, time isn't the solution.

The questions you're making today are ones we all make at some point in our lives, and not once, but several times.

It's good to STOP and think about ourselves. It gives us a chance to see if we're on the right track, at least the one we think is "right".

The ultimate question is: are you happy with what your doing? Professionally and on apersonal level?

2:22 PM

Blogger XimenaKlemengettingmarried said...

to stop and think, what are we going to do? is the only way a can use the time for.
Because and just because, I don't want to use the time cleaning up the mess if I screw myself up.

2:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Juli exactamente así me siento YO hoy, 12 de julio de 2005, son muchas cosas en juego y en días como hoy quiero dejar todo tirado y salir corriendo, en mi corazón siento vacio y a la vez mucho miedo, miedo de equivocarme, de "perder lo que tengo" pero el problema es que "lo que tengo" no se bien qué es...jajajaja....En fin te felicito por tus escritos, hasta ahora me ha gustado mucho leerlos, sígue así y de pronto algun día también yo me animo a publicar los míos...


8:48 AM


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